

Periodontal Gum Surgery

Periodontal Gum Surgery

Periodontists treat their patients with the most conservative measures possible, but sometimes surgery is necessary to facilitate oral health and aesthetics. Some of the reasons your periodontist may recommend gum surgery include: To restore gum tissues lost to...

VELscope Vx

VELscope Vx

The VELscope VX is a groundbreaking technology that is changing the way dentists screen for oral cancer. This cordless device is used to painlessly and quickly examine the soft tissues of the mouth for signs of abnormal, pre-cancerous or cancerous cells. Dentists wear...

Intra-Oral Camera

Intra-Oral Camera

Dental imaging is a foundation of oral health diagnostics. Intra-oral cameras play a key role in office imaging, with many dentists using intra-oral cameras to detect the tiniest grooves, pits, cracks, and carries. Using a chairside unit and hand-held photographic...

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